Seasons, patterns, and living by the moon
Once upon a time, we knew that we were nature itself. We knew how to live in accordance with natural ebbs and flows of the world around us, free from concerns of technology, upkeep of complicated homes and schedules.
Fast forward to today, we have a world that is always awake, always doing, with everything available all at once.
It's also a world with unbelievable amounts of mental health problems and environmental concerns.
The question is not about how did we get here. We know thirst for knowledge and an attitude of more, better and bigger has driven society to expand and 'grow' this way.
The question is- how can we get back to our connection to the world around us while still existing in this modern lifestyle? Studies prove that alignment with nature is good for our health (duh!), but does that mean we need to give up our present day comforts too? Not at all- but we do need to make both things work for the good of our mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Here are 3 ways you can get back to nature's rhythms without going full on Bear Grylls and giving up modern living altogether.
#1 - Bring Nature Indoors
Yep- this is your permission slip to go visit the garden centre and buy all those leafy babies!
Having more indoor plants is scientifically proven to improve mood, improve air quality, improve concentration, reduce blood pressure and reduce fatigue and headaches.
Other ways you can bring nature indoors is to open the windows regularly and allow fresh air to flow through your home. Allow plenty of light in when you can, especially in the winter months when light is very limited.
Using essential oils has a long list of benefits over use of synthetic fragrances, so try to use a diffuser or oil burner where possible and improve your health and environment. Use with caution if you have pets, some oils aren't good for animals to be exposed to, such as some citrus oils.
#2 - Know Your Rhythms
We are all subject to rhythms of the planet and our moon and wider the universe.
Daily rhythms of the sunrise and sunset, monthly rhythms of the moon and the cycle of seasons throughout the year are rhythms we have no choice but to be a part of.
What causes a lot of disconnect in us humans, is that we try to do things that are out of rhythm with time. We work when it's time to sleep, we eat heavy foods when it's time to eat light and fresh, we socialise when it's time to turn inwards.
Rhythms are energy and energy needs to flow in accordance with its natural pattern, otherwise a stress response begins to build.
To give you an idea of the way we should be living with nature, here is a brief look at the seasons and the natural behaviours humans should be doing during them.
Spring time brings forward planning, kick starting our energy after winter and planting seeds for the year ahead, both literally and metaphorically in our individual lives. We tend to do this yearly planning as soon as New Year hits, when we're still in hibernation mode.
Summer time brings outward and action-based behaviour, enjoying the ease of warmer weather.
Autumn is time for us to reap what we sow and enjoy the fruits of our efforts. We tend to return to routine and schedules at school, renew hobbies and interests at this time.
Winter time needs us to slow down, be comfortable and recouperate or energy. Our tendencies nowadays are the opposite! We are out shopping, stressing, redecorating, partying out late..all going against the natural urge to rest! Is it any wonder we are all drained!
The lunar cycle and the females menstrual cycle is a huge topic for another time- but if you are a female reading this, make a point of getting to know your cycle. Our personal energy shifts each week as we move through our cycle- because we ARE nature itself! Having this kind of knowledge empowers you to plan your month, work tasks, social events in such a way that it won't go against your energy levels and ability to put yourself out there.
#3 - Get to The Water
Did you know that seeing large bodies of water reduces our stress levels? It could be something to do with the old hunter gatherer need to source water to drink and the relief at finding some.
I know that feeling of weight lifting off my shoulders as soon I step towards the sea or a river.
Lately, the wellness world has taken cold-water dips and run with it- and rightly so. Being in our beside natural sources of water is scientifically shown that blue spaces are good for our wellbeing.
For me, I like to sit by a shore and wonder how long it's taken for the ater to build to this level, what might be hidden by the sands underneath and how much life it is currently sustaining. That feeling of awe and fascination, takes us away from our internal dialogue of worry and anxiety for a while and provides a well-need reprieve.
As well as awe-inspiring, it encourages physical activity, mindfulness, introspection and soothes the nervous system- just by sitting near it.
If it's impossible for you to make the pilgramage to your closest water body, bring it indoors with a good long soak in a salt bath.
Know thyself
Wellness is key to enjoying a long, fulfilling life. Know yourself and when your mood begins to drop, take some time to check in with yourself and figure out what you need. Self-awareness of your own needs and taking action on those needs is key to improving things and feeling connected to life itself.
If you need help getting your own wellbeing in top shape so you can enjoy your life- get in touch! Coaching and 1-1 sessions is available both online and in person at The Harmony Hub NI and we would love to hear from you.
Lots of love,